Saturday, July 4, 2009

Marathon Training - Week 4 , 9 mile run

Marathon Training - Week 4 , 9 mile run

I missed Thursday's blog entry. I ran 3 miles. I struggled with the motivation to get out of the house and tried to rationalize not going for some time, but in the end my better judgment edged out and I went for the run and it turned out to be a decent run.

Now onto the main event, the long Saturday run. I can't properly describe the anxiety that I had about this run coming up to it. The last long run I successfully did was the 6 mile run on the first week. The next attempt at a longer run was 7 miles and that week was so hot or something that the run was terrible and I was left with this horrible 'I'm never going to be able to do this' feeling that I haven't fully been able to shake over the last few weeks.

Anyways, this morning I woke up and stretched out a bit and went for a run. I packed a gel packet and a took a water bottle and started out feeling great. I ran down the road for 4 miles or so and then stopped and took a gel packet and washed it down with about half a bottle of water. At the turnaround I was feeling really great. After the brief walk while I took some gel, my legs felt decent but got a little tight at times. Miles 5 and 6 were pretty good and Mile 7 and 8 were a bit of a struggle but I was able to keep running 'on pace'. My iPod ran out of battery just after 8 miles and it was at 1:22 which was a 10:19 pace. So I figure I finished the run somewhere under 1:33:00 which is everything I could have hoped for.

I didn't have any significant chafing, and I felt like I might have been getting a blister on my left foot but it hasn't developed. My heels are sore to walk on barefoot and my "index" toes are a bit sore and I think I've got some under-nail bruising. Legs still feel pretty good and while my knees are a little sore I think overall I'm doing great.

I'm full to the brim of 'Maybe I can do this after all' and I'm not as all concerned about next weekend and the distance it entails. I'm a month out from running 13 miles and essentially the half-way point but I think that if I can keep up the training I might be able to do this.

Anyways, having a great 4th. I'm glad that everything went as planned with my weekend so far. Maybe there is something to this training plan afterall.

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