Thursday, June 12, 2014

Crossfit: Week 2 Day(s) 2-4


Tuesday was a tough workout.
4 round of the following
25 situps
15 box jumps
400m run

This was the first workout I've 'finished'.  I had to scale the exercises but not the reps or rounds.  It was brutal.

Wednesday and Today I didn't wake up for my workouts.  Yesterday I couldn't play catch-up because we had a concert at night but I am planning on going tonight.  I really don't think I could have done much yesterday anyways.  I'm extremely sore muscle wise in my arms still from Monday's shoulder press and burpees.  Like last week with legs I absolutely destroyed my arms and it's taking several days to be functional again.

Tonight's workout is another brutal one.
2 Rounds for time

50 double unders
40 weighted lunges 45/25 (20 each leg)
30 HR push ups
20 KB snatch (10 each arm) 53/35
10 Deadlifts 225/155

I'm not sure what HR push-ups are but I can't do double unders yet but I'm sure it'll scale to 75 singles or 100 singles or something.  Weighted Lunges and KettleBall I may be able to do or scale weight, and I'll probably have to scale back the Deadlifts as well weight wise, but I'll try to finish it strong.  Either way that's a lot of moving.

And I thought I was sore today.......

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