Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Crossfit: Week 4 Day 1&2

I skipped out on Monday's WOD because my back was still sore, mowing the grass and just weekend in general didn't give it the recovery I'd hoped for and a WOD with mostly cleans and front squats seemed like rolling the dice.

Yesterday (Tuesday) my back was still pretty sore but I went in a bit early and tried to stretch it out.  I modified when I needed too and really didn't sell out for situps like I should/could have but made it out of the workout feeling at least as good as I did going in so I'll take it.

Tuesday Strength:
4x5 Front Squats.  Got up to 95# before it just felt heavier on my back than I would have wanted.  Still feel like I got a good strength session

Tuesday WOD:
5 Sets for time
5 Hanging Snatch (75#)
10 Toes-to-bar (I modifed to knee raises as TTB is beyond my ability atm)
15 Box Jumps (20", Modified to lower impact step ups but was still tough)

Finished 12:39

This felt like the best I've done in a WOD.  Granted I had to scale it significantly but I was able to do it fairly fast and was in the 'middle of the pack' in terms of finishing.  Still have a long way to go to Rx these, but felt like a step in the right direction.

Today's workout will be tough.  Involves some deadlifts which I'm not terrified of but we'll find a way to work through it.  Scale this morning showed some progress.  If it stays that way or improves next official weigh-in day I'll have made some significant progress for Month #1.  Monday I'll do a 1 month recap.

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