Thursday, March 26, 2009

P90x Day 53 - No Workout

Well it took me 54 days but I'm going to miss my first workout today. My lower back is just really sore, and while it feels great laying down sitting all day in a chair is just killing me.

I'm sure it's a combination of the addition of running and just the other workouts and work around the yard I'm doing. I had really hoped that the core and ab work would be strengthening my back, but if it is it isn't happening overnight.

I know that without a doubt I could have finished my workout today and got my run in and that's the most annoying part. But I do know that if I had gotten those workouts in tomorrow I'd be in worse shape than I am today.

I'm icing and elevating. Hopefully I'll be up and going soon. Worst case this is my "recovery week" so I'm focused on getting 100% out of my last 5 weeks in this workout.

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