Tuesday, March 31, 2009

P90x Day Day 58 - Plyometrics

Got up again this morning. It was a dreary and rainy morning so it took a bit longer. I actually must have slept funny because I work up and the other side of my back was really bothering me.

I got up and did Plyometrics this morning and while I didn't feel like I could give jumping and squatting 100% because of my back, I modified it some and got a decent workout. I cut the DVD a little short once it got into the really intense stuff towards the end of the workout. I was already sweating and felt good but could tell my back was getting sore, so I just went ahead decided to be cautious. Or lazy. I can't tell which one, but I want to believe I was doing the best for myself long-term, but I might have just been giving myself a reason to quit early. Who knows.

Not sure if I'll do any running today. I really want to but after last week I'm sorta concerned I might have ramped that back up too soon. Maybe I'll just do a mile tonight.

Looking forward to the workout tomorrow. Feeling pretty good today considering so I'm hoping this keeps up.

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