Friday, May 29, 2009

P90x Round 2, Day 19 - Legs and Back

P90x Round 2, Day 19 - Legs and Back
Diet :
Breakfast: 4 Egg Whites w/ Onion, Peppers, Tomato, Diet Coke
Lunch: Salad with Turkey, Carrots and Celery, Cottage Cheese, Potato Salad, Baked Beans
Snack: Granola Bar, Jello Cup, Mixed Fruit Cup
Dinner: Chicken Burritos
Unplanned Snack: None

Finally I got a good night's sleep and what a difference it makes. It's amazing how much better you feel when you actually close your eyes at night and open them the next morning with no interruptions. Amazing.

Today was was Legs and Back and while I didn't get the entire workout done, I gave it 100% for the 2/3 I did complete. I just slept in a little later than I wanted to and had to be into work for an early meeting so I got in what I could.

On the scale front I weighed in today at 234.5 which is 1.5 down from last week and a total of 11.5 lost for this round of P90x. I'm hoping to end this first phase having lost at least 13 pounds but I'm secretly hoping for a total of 15 pounds which is absolutely mind blowing and more than I could have hoped for. 1.5 total for this week isn't what I'd hoped for but considering my eating has been a little looser and my fitness hasn't been up to the same level as the previous two weeks I'm happy that I've lost anything.

Busy Saturday in front of me already so I'm going to make sure I get up early tomorrow and get my 5 mile run in. I'm sure I'll end up doing Kenpo too to give my wife some moral support, but I'm sure I'm going to want to rest instead.

Have a great weekend everybody.

1 comment:

Jenny Q said...

You can totally skip Kenpo. I told you before that on the days you run, the P90X exercise isn't necessary. I mean, it can only help, I guess. But you're burning more calories doing your run than you are doing your P90X workout.