Thursday, February 12, 2009

P90x Day 11 - YOGA

Day 11 in the books. Yoga.

So Yoga is brutal. Those that have never tried it always think it's just easy and stretching. I know this because I was myself one of those people at one point. But Yoga is not this. It's brutal and uses your own body weight against you to remind you how out of shape you really are.

I swapped Yoga X out with the YRG 60 minute workout. It was crazy difficult and I was sweating loads before it was finished, but I was able to do almost everything in it. Unlike Yoga X where I just don't have the flexibility or the strength to get more than a fraction completed in that routine.

My Biceps are screaming today and I'm loving it. It's good to get a workout in and not be in agony. My lower back is still a little sore as it seems everything I do on any day of the workout involves my core and my lower back. I'm hoping that legs tomorrow doesn't do anything to my back that would gimp me up for the weekend. I'm hoping that I don't have to spend all this weekend laid up like last weekend.

Other than the above I'm feeling great today. I thought I could feel a difference in my pants fitting today, but with it not even being two weeks into it I thought I must be imagining it.

Looking forward to pressing play on Legs tomorrow.

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