Monday, February 9, 2009

P90x Day 8 - Chest and Back, Ab-Ripper X

It's week 2 for those of you keeping track at home.

1 week down, 12 to go
8 days down, 82 to go

Whichever way motivates you more go with it. I'm personally just thrilled to be back at the start of another week and have the first week of aches and pains behind me.

Today was chest and back which is really "push-up and pull-up" day. Seeing as I can't do a pull-up on my own power and my push-up number is much lower than I'd care to admit this is not an easy day.

I tried to give me my best effort and it's embarrassing to have to do the push-up day on my knees as a male, but that's where I am. I'm really thinking about getting a resistance band for pull-up day because I know I'd still end up with the burn and might actually get a "better" workout as far as moving me towards being able to pull myself up.

Speaking of moving in that direction, this weekend's diet went pretty well. We ate out a few times but I believe I made the best choice in each scenario and we probably ate out less this weekend than usual. I'm dying to weigh myself, but I'm going to resist and wait till the first phase is complete.

My right calf is feeling alot better today. Saturday and Sunday I could barely flex it at all. I sucks to have to walk around on your tiptoe all day because you can't extend your heel enough to put it on the ground. Not something I recommend.

My supplements have been good, and I'm really enjoy my morning protein shake. The only day I've skipped so far was Sunday because in the true fashion of "Rest" I didn't do anything.

Hopefully this week I'm done nursing injuries and all the other first week back misery pains and can make some progress.

Tomorrow's plyometrics will be played by ear. If I feel my calf isn't up for the jumping I might for this week only switch the workout with Yoga or Kenpo to give myself time to heal up.

I hate skipping anything and feel like I need to do the plan as planned. But I also realize that if I tear a muscle in my calf that I won't be doing anything, so I'm going to try and play it smart.

My buddy Jeremie is doing well with his 90 days. He's tweaking it some based on the fact that he's seriously training for his first half marathon in March and 10 mile runs don't gel well with Kenpo.

I'm going to start back running 3 days a week after Phase I is complete. I believe I'll have enough of a base at that point to be able to workout in the morning and run at night and not die a horrible death.

Week 2 has me stoked so far. I'm looking forward to pressing play tommorrow.

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