Saturday, February 21, 2009

P90x Day 20 - Kenpo

I almost missed my self-imposed posting deadline today.

Woke up a little off schedule today and was up for a while before I did my Kenpo. It was sorta strange not doing the dvd the second I climbed out of bed but it worked out ok.

I really do enjoy the Kenpo workout so far more than any of the other dvds. I'm not sure what it is but it's alot of fun, still challenging, and I get a great workout in.

I can't believe tomorrow is 3 weeks. 7 days from tomorrow I'll be weighing in and seeing my progress for the first phase. I honestly cannot wait.

My diet on the weekends tends to be significantly different than my weekday diet. The weekday is repeatable and I eat lunch at work. But on the weekend I'm at home, my schedule is a bit different, the family is around so eating tends to be different than usual. We didn't eat out at all today which is sorta rare for a weekend, and I think we did pretty good eating around the house.

Anyways, enjoying a relaxing weekend. So far I haven't missed a workout or a blogging. Although today was cutting it close.

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