Tuesday, February 3, 2009

P90x Day 2 - Plyometrics

Day 2:
Plyometrics is another word for "Death by Jumping".

This was really tough, but I was able to finish it. I didn't do everything like they did on the screen and I bailed early on a few exercises because my heart was about to jump out of my chest, but I finished.

It's strange this first time through because I have no idea what is coming up next so sometimes I feel like I'm saving up my strength just in case I need it. Maybe next time this comes up I'll be better at it. I guess that's the goal, be better than the day before.

I'm posting this early today and right now I can feel it in my legs and they are pretty tired. If I was posting this tonight it might read something like "oh god what did I do, I can't move my legs". Who would have thought you could jump in so many different ways.

Overall update is that I'm feel pretty good. My arms are wrecked from yesterday. I still can't straighten my arms completely from yesterday's workout. It was suppossed to be chest and back, but my arms are killing me.

I'm still in it. 2 days down, 88 to go. I'm not going to weigh myself until day 30 which is going to be a huge challenge for me. I'm dying to weigh in and find out how I'm doing, but I'm going to go balls to the wall for 30 days and then see. That way if the number isn't moving like I want I won't get discouraged and bail early.

I hope I "adjust" some to this workout routine. I can feel the agony of new workout soreness coming on and I really can't imagine being hobbled for 90 days.

I'll press play again tomorrow.

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