Saturday, February 7, 2009

P90x Day 6 - Kenpo X

Wow, I finally feel good.

My arms aren't killing me anymore like the first 4 days, my back feels better today than it did yesterday, and other than my calves I feel really good.

My calves are KILLING me right now as a result of yesterday's leg exercise and today's Kenpo. I probably didn't focus enough yesterday on stretching them out because I woke up this morning and they were really tight.

The wife and I rocked some Kenpo this morning and I really enjoyed it. I didn't know how much I would like it but it was alot of fun. And I can tell that it really stretches you out and builds flexibility. I didn't get much of an arm workout if that's suppossed to be something you get in this, but my shoulders and upper back are feeling it today.

I really really wanted to weigh myself this morning and see how much if any progress I've made this first week but I'm not going to. I'm going to fight to stay off the scale until day 31 as planned. It's going to be tough though.

I'm really looking forward to the rest and stretch day tomorrow. I think I fell asleep before my wife last night which hasn't happened in ages. I don't even think I made it to 9pm.

Anyways, I'm hoping I can avoid injury today, but right now after Kenpo I feel pretty stretched out and full of energy and optimism.

I'm looking forward to pressing play on tomorrow's stretch DVD. Who knew I'd actually be looking foward to a P90x DVD :)

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